Sunday, April 6, 2008

One new member, a powerful new friend.

A parrot crys out as a warm breeze blows across the peaceful and still isle of Yorios[88:47], it stares at the horizon, with no inkling of the changes to come that will define this island forever.

The first settlers on this island have just finished being weened off of imperial wolf milk and are ready to start from scratch at building a lasting civilization. They show up, almost by clockwork, and soon three small towns have sprung up along the sunny Yorios coast. Humanity begins to flood the island. From these early settlements, one city quickly begins to surpass the rest in beauty, size, and magnitude. It is called Santa Cruz, and it would one day be the center of an empire that changes history.

Just as the second generation of native Santa Cruzers is being born, the parrot spots a white sail on the horizon. Things are about to change.

Taken from the journals of the Mayor of Santa Cruz:

I awoke this morning to the sound of a urgent pounding on my bedroom door. I rose slowly, dreading the news, and let the messenger into my room.

"..sir" he began, gasping for breath. "They're here..."

"Who's here?" I asked.

"A great flotilla has been spotted on the horizon! They're coming to invade! We'll all be destroyed!"

"An unannounced attack on a few small settlements? I am skeptical, show me this invading fleet!"

I gathered a small entourage and we climbed to the top of the quarry to see what fate awaited Yorios. As we reached the top, an incredible sight awaited us, the entire western coast of the island was clogged with ships. Hundreds of men were unloading goods and supplies, and masses of humanity snaked up the beaches to what were clearly a series of building sites.

A chuckle escaped my lips, "We are in no danger, these are no warships, we're about to have new neighbors." As we climbed back down from the quarry peak, I began to regret my words, for at the base waited a heavily armed diplomatic party bearing a banner that read SwU.

"Welcome to Yorios," I proclaimed, "I hope we will enjoy a long and prosperous friendship."

Ignoring what I said, the man at the head of the party began to speak: "We are the Stonewall Union. We are taking total ownership of this island so we can maximize its resources. If you wish to stay, you must contribute heavily to the development of the Yorios Sawmill and Quarry. If you help us, you well benefit greatly, If you do not, you will be driven off of the island."

Understanding the severity of the situation , I quickly put on my humble hat and bowed low.
"We welcome you to the great isle of Yorios, we are the people of Santa Cruz, and we would be honored to aide you in your quest for production."

Without any further pleasantries the Stonewall envoy turned and marched back towards their city.

With their new priorities understood the people of Santa Cruz mobilized to gather as much wood as they possibly could. For years , every boy born to Santa Cruz was sent to the sawmill as soon as he was old enough, to work until he dropped, for the good of his nation.

As time went by Santa Cruz bloomed into the jewel of Yorios, a prize coveted by all who saw it. The Stonewall Union, who quickly grew to encompass the rest of the island began to exert pressure on Santa Cruz to join their ranks. Knowing the consequences of becoming a cog in a monolithic Alliance, the leaders of Santa Cruz knew that they had to find away to retain their independence, without fowling their relations with the the SwU.

They soon realized there was only one option: join Owl Country, an alliance founded on the principles of independence, free spirit, and all sorts of other nifty qualities. Soon the cream of Santa Cruz's diplomatic crop was hard at work breaking the news gently to the Stonewall Union and establishing strong ties with Owl Country.

I hope that the actions of Santa Cruz will benefit all Owls!



Anthony said...

excellent work, sam!! HOOT!

Unknown said...

Without any further pleasantries the Stonewall envoy turned and marched back towards their city.

With their new priorities understood the people of Santa Cruz mobilized to gather as much wood as they possibly could. For years , every boy born to Santa Cruz was sent to the sawmill as soon as he was old enough, to work until he dropped, for the good of his nation.

OH COME ON! You forget the part about where you crapped your pants and cried for mommy. And you forgot about the part where you asked what would happen if you didn't want to join, and I offered you a metric butt-ton (7/8ths of an imperial butt ton) of goods to help you move wherever you wanted.

(Seriously, though, thanks for the laugh!)